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Backyard Gardening 101


Type: In Person Series

at Conundrum Farms with Farm Manager

Montana Stovall

Series length: 5 monthly classes

Class Duration: 2 hours

Price: $60/class OR

$250 for full series

Series Details

Become a Texas backyard gardening expert! Learn how to grow fresh, abundant produce to feed yourself and your  family from your own backyard. 


From starting seeds to what to do with your bountiful harvest, this series covers everything you need to know. Under the guidance â€‹of 8th generation Texas farmer Montana Stovall, you'll get all your questions answered and learn everything you didn't know you needed to know to have a successful backyard garden this year and beyond. 


Taking place throughout the ideal spring gardening season in Texas - you'll be able to grow your garden while you learn, all at the same time. Each class will include information as well as field demonstrations at the farm, on the very same plants you're growing in your own garden. You'll get access to Montana's vast wealth of knowledge and experience, as well as hands-on practice and guidance every step of the way!


Time: 1-3pm

Dates: Sundays: Mar 16, Mar 30, Apr 27, May 25, June 29 (see below for class descriptions)

Tickets: $60/person per class, or $250/person when you sign up for the full series (save $10 per class!)
Special discount: Get 10% off any of our farm-grown transplants purchased for your garden!

Class size is limited! Invite your friends and family & learn and grow together at your local farm. 

For questions or more information, feel free to contact Montana at:

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Your Instructor

Montana Stovall

8th generation Texan farmer passionate about helping backyard growers and new farmers thrive

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Designed to walk you through the Spring gardening season as it's in progress, each class will address what's happening in real time - both at the farm & in your backyard!


March 16: Getting Started

Crop selection, garden needs & space, seed spacing & depth


March 30: Planting Basics

Amending soil, companions vs enemies, crop rotation and sunlight evaluation


April 27: Happy, Healthy Garden

Crop maintenance, pruning and trellis options


May 25: Problem Solving

Irrigation needs, pests/plant disease, preparing for harvest


June 29: Handling the Harvest

What to do post harvest and a quick pickling/water bath demonstration

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